online_rectangular_weir:   Calculation of discharge through a rectangular weir

rectangular weir

Q = Ce (L + kb) (H + 0.003)3/2          [in U.S. Units]

Head H on the weir, in m [or ft]
Length L of the weir, in m [or ft]
Width B of the channel, in m [or ft]
Height P to the weir crest, in m [or ft]
Ce is a function of H/P and L/B
kb is a function of L/B

Discharge Q  in L/s [or cfs]

See USBR Manual for general methodology

INPUT DATA:       [Description]

Select Units:     

Head H :     
[ H > 0 ]
Length L :     
[ L > 0 ]
Width B :     
[ B > 0 ]
Height P :     
[ P > 0 ]


Discharge  Q :   0  


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