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300portal, Victor Miguel Ponce, Victor Ponce, Miguel Ponce, Hydrology, San Diego State University
Portal Saturday, July 27, 2024    05:44 hr   PDT  [UTC - 7]  
To refresh picture The Huallaga River emerging from underground, near Tingo Maria, Peru (2013) 
310.  Selected papers
320.  Engineering Hydrology (textbook)
330.  Open-channel Hydraulics (textbook)
340.  Fortran (textbook)
350.  Webpublications
360.  Pubs + Calcs
370.  Milestones
380.  Nutshells
390.  Drenaje de Carreteras (Manual)
Sheep Creek Barrier Dam, in the Pariah river watershed, Southern Utah Portal   Civil and Environmental   Engineering   SDSU