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800portal, Victor Miguel Ponce, Victor Ponce, Miguel Ponce, Hydrology, San Diego State University
Portal Saturday, July 27, 2024    10:57 hr   PDT  [UTC - 7]  
To refresh picture Potato fields at Japani, on the Santa Eulalia river valley, Lima, Peru (2010) 
ojos negros figure
810.  Civil Engineering and Society
820.  Applied hydraulics
830.  Applied hydrology
840.  Civil engineering design
850.  Open-channel hydraulics
860.  Computational hydraulics
870.  Environmental hydrology
880.  Surface-water hydrology
890.  Sedimentation Engineering
Mouth of Ojos Negros Creek, in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico Portal   Civil and Environmental   Engineering   SDSU